Planetary Alignments in the Garden of Love

Heart Star

Dear friends,

Today’s post follows on from the photos of a ship that flew overhead here on April 26th that you can read about in the previous post. This ship appeared three days after a very high frequency light-wave snuck in quietly through the ‘back door’, so to speak, and energies on and around this planet have continued to intensify since then. At an individual level, everything in our beings that is not aligned in Love will be/is getting a deeper shake out, so those energies can be perceived, blessed and released, to reveal more of our higher dimensional Essence.

In the collective, the same shake out can be seen happening around the globe, and the energies of shifting consciousness responding to it. On a planetary level, the shakedowns/ups (earthquakes and eruptions) have continued since the late April light-wave came through and the kundalini energy flowed from Tibet to…

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Heart Star

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